
Dr. Adam Cifu has published well over 100 peer reviewed articles. He has written on medical reversal, medical education, and summarized clinical guidelines in the JAMA Clinical Guidelines Synopsis series.

On this page are articles pertaining to medical reversal. Medical reversal occurs when a medical practice that has been widely adopted is studied and shown to be no better (or worse) than the therapy it replaced. The term “Medical Reversal” was coined in the Prasad, Gall, Cifu article from 2011 cited below.

Medical Reversal

  1. Kacew AJ, Haslam A, Prasad V, Cifu AS. Cross-sectional evaluation of medical reversals among National Institute of Health guideline practices implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic: how often did experts err in a time of crisis? BMJ Open 2024;14:e085210.

  2. Abbasi B, Cifu AS. The Reversal of a “Reversible” Procedure, The American Journal of Surgery. 2022;223:216-217.

  3. Prasad V, Cifu AS. Three ways medical science progresses and what this has to do with aspirin. MedPage Today, 10/27/21.

  4. Herrera-Perez D, Haslam A, Crain T, Gill J, Livingston C, Kaestner V, Hayes M, Morgan D, Cifu AS, Prasad V. Comprehensive review of Randomized Clinical Trials in Three Medical Journals Reveals 396 medical reversals. eLife 2019;8:e45183.

  5. Greene P, Prasad V, Cifu AS. Should Evidence Come with an Expiration Date? JGIM. 2019;34:1356–7.

  6. Cifu AS and Prasad V. The Necessity of Sham Controls. Am J Med. 2019;132:e29–e30.

  7. Cifu AS, Prasad V. Wearable’s, Smartphones and Novel Anticoagulants: We will treat more atrial fibrillation, but will patients be better off? J Gen Intern Med. 2016;31:1367–1368.

  8. Cifu AS, Prasad V. Medical Debates and Medical Reversal. J Gen Intern Med. 2015;30:1729-1730.

  9. Prasad V, Cifu AS. Eliminating chronic kidney disease… as a diagnosis. Pol Arch Med Wewn. 2014;124:7-9.

  10. Prasad V, Rho J, Cifu AS. Special Article: The Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Filter: How could a medical device be so well accepted without any evidence of efficacy? JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173:493-495.

  11. Prasad V, Jorgenson J, Ioannidis JPA, Cifu AS. Observational studies often make clinical practice recommendations: an empirical evaluation of authors’ attitudes. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2013;66:361–366.

  12. Prasad V, Vandross A, Toomey C, Cheung M, Rho J, Quinn S, Chacko J, Borkar D, Selvaraj S, Gall V, Ho N, Cifu A. A Decade of Reversal: An Analysis of 146 Contradicted Medical Practices. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2013;88:790-798.

  13. Prasad V, Cifu AS, Ioannidis JPA. Reversals of Established Medical Practices: Evidence to Abandon Ship. JAMA. 2012;307:37-38.

  14. Prasad V, Cifu AS. The Burden of Proof, BioSocieties. 2012;7:72–87.

  15. Prasad V, Rho J, Cifu AS.  Special Article: The Diagnosis and treatment of Pulmonary Embolism, A Metaphor for Medicine in the EBM Era. Archives of Internal Medicine. 2012;172:955-8.

  16. Prasad V, Cheung M, Cifu AS.  Special Article: Chest Pain in the Emergency Room The Case Against Our Current Practice of Routine Noninvasive Testing. Archives of Internal Medicine, 2012;172:1506-1509.

  17. Prasad V, Gall V, and Cifu AS. The Frequency of Medical Reversal. Arch Intern Med. 2011;171:1675-1676.

  18. Prasad V, Cifu AS.  Medical Reversal: Why We Must Raise the Bar, Before Adopting New Technologies. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. 2011;84:471-478.